Monday, November 5, 2012

One Month Down...

     I can't believe it's already been a month. This October has flown by! Eliza is one month today and has already changed so much. At her last weigh in (3 weeks old) she was 8 lbs 5 oz and she has only gotten bigger since then. I was just noticing today how some of her outfits are getting a little snug and she won't be able to wear them for much longer. She also is getting much stronger in her legs and in her neck. She still does not like tummy time or being put down in general. She is getting better however, she will tolerate not being held for a couple of minutes now. Mostly when she is distracted by other things. She loves looking at lights. She will stare at any light that is on and follow it with her eyes if you are moving around. She is also much better at night. I think we've mostly cured her of her long wakeful periods at night. She now wakes up to eat about every three hours so I get to sleep roughly in two hour increments at night. Nick is so great and will take her on the days he has off so I get to sleep even more.
     Nick is now working at WINCO as a night freight worker and works Tues, Wed, Thurs nights. It's the perfect job for right now as I'm preparing to head back to work. He'll be able to work and give us a little more income and still stay home with Eliza when I'm at work. His sister, Katie, will also help out a little by coming over sometimes to watch Eliza while he can get some sleep during the day. I head back to school on the 12th so we'll see how things go then. I'm a little anxious to get back to work and back into the swing of things but at the same time I just want to stay home with baby. I am nervous about how little sleep I will be getting but I'll make it work, right? Life is pretty great right now and I'm just loving being a mom. It's a huge responsibility but brings so much joy.
One month old and looking so big!

I'm not so good at catching her smiles on camera. It still is a hit and miss type thing.

She loves playing with her tongue.

For Halloween we went as Wanda and baby from Where's Waldo.

Waldo and baby!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Introducing Eliza Mae Vaughn

Ok so she came two weeks ago and I'm a little slow at updating this but better late than never right? Eliza was born on October 5th at 1:21 in the afternoon. She weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 21" long. It was quite the ordeal to get her out I must say.
Birth Story: (it's a little long and rambling so if you want to skip it that's ok)
     It started on the 3rd where I had to go to the hospital where they gave me some medicine to help get me dilated. The plan was to go in at 6pm, 12pm, then 5am and get induced. However, when we went in at 6 they didn't have the medicine they needed and I had to wait until 7:30ish to get it and then stay there for an hour. Since that was pushed back we didn't need to come back until 2am and from there they said just bring all your stuff and stay the night since there was no point in going back and forth so much. So we got to the hospital at 2, did the same routine, then slept until about 7:30am where they got me all officially checked in and all hooked up. They started the pitocin around 10am and we waited. and waited. and waited.
     After many hours (about 4:00) they figured I wasn't progressing at all and so they put in a balloon catheter to help expand my cervix. That was the worst I would say. I think it was hitting a nerve or something but I was nauseous, and super uncomfortable-it felt like one big contraction the whole time, and just wanted that thing out of me. It finally came out 2-3 hours later and I was so relieved. The good news was that bumped me up to 4cm. They then upped the dosage on the pitocin and I was starting to feel the contractions more. At around 10pm I asked for the epidural since I knew if I didn't have one I wouldn't be able to sleep at all that night and it wasn't looking like we would have the baby anytime soon. I tried to get some sleep with the nurse coming in every half hour/hour to check on me. She also had to keep changing the pitocin levels since Eliza didn't really like it and her heartbeat would get low. Also, about 4 in the morning I started to develop a fever and some shakes. It was a long night.
     In the morning they checked me again and I had not dilated at all since the balloon was taken out. They decided that since my body had a lot of drugs in it at this point that they would stop the pitocin for a while then start it up hardcore and see if that kicks my body into labor again. Well, that didn't work and finally about 12:30 they said forget it we're just going to cut you open. From that point things moved pretty fast. They gave me more drugs to get me completely numb from my chest down (which made me a little nauseated especially since right after that they wheeled me down to the operating room-good thing all I had to throw up was ice chips) gave Nick a suit to wear and sent me down to get cut open. I have to say that is one of the weirdest feelings to feel people pushing on your body but no pain and absolutely no control. A couple minutes after that we had a baby!
     Labor was rough on Eliza and when she first came out I couldn't hear her cry. That was a little scary. I later found out her apgar score was a 2 which would've really freaked me out if I knew. Finally they showed me Eliza and then took her to the nursery to clean her up while they sewed me up. They then took me back to the room to eagerly await my baby girl.
     We then spent the next three days in the hospital and had many visitors coming and going. I really liked the hospital and the staff they were all so helpful and friendly. After 3 days we got to take her home and the real work began.

Home with Baby:
     Well it's now been two weeks since Eliza was born and we are loving it. For the first week my mom was in town and helped us to catch up on sleep and to help around the house. After she left Nick's mom came to stay with us to help us as well. We have been so blessed. Eliza fills up our time and is such a joy. She's a pretty mellow baby only really crying when she is hungry or overtired. Most of the time if she is awake she just stares at the world around her taking it in. She does have a little confusion between day and night. She sleeps all day and then just stares at night. She is getting better though so hopefully soon she'll really understand when it's good to be awake and when it's good to be asleep. At her two week appointment she was 7lbs 8oz and a healthy girl. I'm so excited to be a mom and see what else is in store. It's a lot of work but I wouldn't change it for anything-even the days where I feel completely overwhelmed.

Now since I know this is really why you look at this blog here are some pictures!

First family picture. Ignore my puffiness, I am glad to say my legs no longer look like I have elephantiasis and I have ankles again!

Coming Home from the Hospital

Daddy and Eliza watching baseball together.

Two weeks old. She loves to fold her hands when she sleeps.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Final Countdown!

     So I thought it would probably be good to post before Lulu gets here and my life gets considerably busier. A lot has happened these last few weeks and it has been busy busy getting ready for the big day. First my sisters threw me a terrific baby shower. We had lots of good food, good friends, and fun. I got a lot of amazingly cute things. I realized that most of the pictures we took were of the food but it was a blast.

A baby fruit salad how cute is that!

     Also we're pretty ready for the baby at least we have the stuff we need. Our nursery is put together and looks so cute. Karen and Catherine found some great wall decals and made it adorable. We haven't put our gliding chair in there yet it still is in the living room but we'll move it when we need to or get around to it.

Our crib and some of the decals :)
    So I'm officially on maternity leave now which is great but it was also a stress to get everything all ready to leave. I still worry that I didn't do enough but my sub is great and I don't have to worry about her. I also found out that when I'm stressed my body holds onto the germs until I relax and then I get sick. Since I went on maternity leave my throat has been sore and my nose has been runny. Hopefully I can get over this before baby comes. Other than not feeling 100% healthy I'm feeling pretty ready. Well, as ready as I can be. It's a good thing I'm feeling pretty ready because I don't have much time left without baby. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and so far I'm not effaced or dilated but since I was on insulin (I'm not anymore my sugars have stabilized at the end of my pregnancy so I don't have to give myself insulin in the morning. I still have to check my blood 5 times a day but no more insulin!) they still want to induce me at 39 weeks. Which is good because I'm officially on maternity leave and I don't want to waste my time off waiting for baby. So the plan is on Wednesday we'll go in at 6pm, be given some drugs to help start things, go home, come back 6 hours later, do the same routine, then come back 6 hours later on Thursday morning to be given more drugs and then stay until we have baby. So I'm thinking if all goes well we should have a baby by Friday! So yeah... just a little bit longer. Hopefully I'm ready for this. It still feels pretty surreal that soon we'll be parents but I guess it will happen when it happens and I better get used to it because there's no turning back now. Well I'll finish this with my last weekly pregnancy picture of this pregnancy and I will see you on the other side :)
She's still riding pretty high but this is 39 weeks :)


Saturday, September 8, 2012

August and September Update

     In my last post I mentioned that I hope teaching helps the time go by faster and it worked! I'm now at 35 (well 36 tomorrow) weeks and the past few weeks have kind of been a blur. Teaching has been going great. I have a couple of students who are a handful but the majority of my class is really sweet and good. I also have an aid to help with management which is fantastic! I don't know what I would do without her. I'm getting a little nervous about leaving my students for 6 weeks after working so hard to get my routines and management set up but it's not like I have much of a choice and I know when it's time for me to go back to school I'm not going to want to.
     As for when I'm having this baby my doctor wants to induce me at 39 weeks so as for now it's looking like the baby will be born right around October 1st. My doctor wants to induce me because I was put on some insulin to help with my breakfast blood sugar levels. They were being consistently high so I now take 2 units with breakfast and most of the time I'm below what I need to be. I like having more of a date that I can plan for. I know my little girl could always come early but I'm thinking I'll make it. Also, because of the insulin that means lots and lots of doctor's appointments and tests. I now have twice weekly non-stress tests (to see if the baby is still moving healthily), weekly AFI's (an ultrasound to measure baby and amniotic fluid levels), and weekly doctor checkups with monthly diabetic specialist checkups. It's starting to feel like all I do is go to school then go to the doctor. It's a rare day that I don't have an appointment. Is it any wonder that all I think about is baby? Maybe it's just the Lord's way to help me not worry about every little thing. I have plenty of people to ask my questions and voice my concerns to.
Nick holding his diploma!

The official proof!
     Nick got some exciting news in the mail yesterday. He received his diploma! He is now officially graduated and has the paper to prove it! I'm so proud of him for working so hard and completing college! He's currently trying to find some kind of job to pass the time before the baby comes and before we need him to stay home with the baby. He's also looking for a career in the biology field as well but he's still figuring out what exactly he wants to do.
     Last weekend we headed up to Preston, ID for Labor Day with Karen and Catherine. We headed up Saturday after Catherine got off work and then got back late on Monday. Saturday we just kind of chilled and went to bed since we got up there kind of late but it was good to see Nick's family that was all up there. Sunday we slept in, went to church, had an amazing meal by Nick's mom, went on the Napoleon Dynamite tour, and played many many board games! I got to play one of my new favorite games Quirkle (kind of a mix between dominoes and rummy) and Nick's brother Jake was introduced to Ticket to Ride. He loved that game. After every game he would say, "again?" On Monday the main event was floating the river which was so fun! I had kayaked it before but never floated in tubes. I also got to lay on my belly for a little bit which is something I've been missing these last few months. After lunch we headed home but we made stops at the Fat Boy factory to get ice cream, the Logan Zoo to see all the fun animals, and Goessner's Cheese Factory which turned out to be closed for Labor Day. By the time we got home it was time for bed so I wouldn't be dead for the kids the next day. It was such a fun and relaxing weekend. Nick's parents were so kind to let us come up and crash their party. Thank You!!
     Well I guess I'll sign off now. Sorry I'm so long winded but anyone who knows me well knows that I like to ramble. Well here's a pregnancy picture to sign off by since I haven't put one up for a while :)
35 weeks and 6 days. Just about 3 weeks to go!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back to School, Back to School...

     Well for me anyway. Nick's all done!!! His very last final of college was on Wednesday and he could not be happier about finishing! He'll get his diploma in the mail sometime in the next little bit and he will have his bachelor's in biology! Well I guess he has it now but the piece of paper makes it that much more official. His plan right now is to try to find some part time job working nights and take care of our little one when she comes in 8 weeks. (yay!) I'll be taking 6 weeks for maternity leave and then going back to teaching kindergarten for the rest of the year. While working part time, Nick's going to be looking for a full time job in biomedical research or something like that. When he gets a full time job we'll be swapping roles and I'll be the one staying with our little one and he'll be working all day. Well, that's the plan; we'll see how reality works out.
     Like I said I'm heading back to school for our training week tomorrow. I'm excited to go back but I am going to say I kinda really loved not having too much responsibility this summer. It went by way too fast and we did a lot of fun things. However, hopefully with teaching it will help pass the time until our baby gets here. If anything it will help me to think about something besides the baby 24/7. This will probably be a good thing since the past few weeks have seemed to go by so slowly! I swear I've been 31 weeks pregnant for the past month instead of the past week. I am a little nervous to see how being on my feet all day will go but knowing me once the kids come I'll forget most of my aches and pains and focus on the kiddies. That's how it usually goes for me.
     As for other news Nick and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. It seems like it has been too short to be 3 years but at the same time it seems like we have been together forever. I look forward to many many more years to come. We couldn't celebrate too much because Nick had his final the next morning but we went to dinner that night and saved most of our celebrations until he finished with school. After his final we finally were able to spend some time together and it was nice to be able to spend afternoons reading together or just being with each other without any distractions.
     Well that's about it for the last little bit. Sorry there aren't any pictures, I'm really bad at taking pictures with our camera. I'll try to get some up here soon. Also, I'll try to get some pictures of our nursery when we finish. We have the crib and curtains up but other than that it's kinda a mess right now. Well I never really know how to end these things so this is me signing off. Bye!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goblin Valley

     A while ago my brother Jacob got antsy sitting around during the summer and so he suggested that we all go camping together. He had been camping at Goblin Valley State Park with some of his friends a little bit ago and wanted to take us there. It was a great little place and a really fun trip.
     We split into two groups with Karen, Tim, Melissa and Jill going up in the morning to save us a camping space and Nick, Tabor, Jacob and I went later because Nick had to take a test and Jacob had to work. We got up to the campsite around 8:00 and had tin foil dinners which is like my favorite camping meals to have. I was glad that we got up there when we did and that we missed the heat of the day. It was so hot down there. I felt bad for the first group because they must have been dying in the heat. A word to the wise, if you want to camp at goblin valley, the middle of July might not be the best time of year to do so... After dinner we made cobbler, and just rested on the rocks and watched nature's fireworks. Aka lighting off in the distance.
     When it was time for bed the boys decided they were going to sleep outside the tent on the rocks while us girls slept in the tent. It was hard to sleep because it never really cooled down at night. I didn't even sleep with a blanket or anything on me the whole night. Also, sleeping on the rocky ground while 7 months pregnant was not the most comfortable thing but from what I hear no one had too restful of a night either.
Jacob, Tim and Nick woke up early to watch the sunrise and went to explore the actual park before the rest of us woke up. Once the sun hit the tent we were all up because it immediately warmed up 10 degrees inside the tent.
     After a breakfast of french toast, sausage, and eggs, we broke down the campsite and headed into the park. It was so cool looking with all the different rock formations. Of course, with three teachers who teach about weathering and erosion we got a lot of pictures of the park with our students in mind. After a while I started to feel a little overheated so Nick and I found some shade while the rest of the group continued to explore. I felt a little like a wimp but at the same time I'd rather not risk it. After we explored the park we had lunch then headed back home to wash, nap, and cool off! It's a great spot and I highly recommend it (not a single mosquito in sight) just not in the middle of the summer. The fall or the spring would probably treat you better.
     And here are some pictures:
Our Campsite

Another view of the campsite. To the right are the rocks where we watched the lightning storm in the distance.

Jacob and Tim climbing and exploring in the morning.

One of the many pictures showcasing weathering for my students.

The group minus Karen and myself. I was taking the picture, Karen was exploring behind me.

Nick chronicling the rest of the group's trip back. Also a great picture of the park.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Changes in Life

     So I'm just chillin' while Nick studies for his test that he has to take tomorrow so I thought it might be a good time to update this thing. Things are moving right along and I'm trying to get used to this whole worrying about my blood sugar thing. Last Thursday I went to the doctor and they did end up moving my due date to October 7th. He also said that since I tested positive for gestational diabetes they won't let me go much past 40 weeks. Meaning that unless I go early she's going to be born pretty close to that date. As sad as it is that I have to wait another 2 weeks to meet this little girl it actually might work better with school and with my maternity leave. Now I will get 4 or 5 weeks with my students before I leave instead of 3 granted everything goes well at the end of my pregnancy.
     I also met with a diabetic specialist and she gave me a diet I have to follow and I have to test my blood sugar 5 times a day. It's not too bad I just have to cut out most carbs and sugars and add more protein. It is hard because before most of my diet consisted of carbs and fruit. but I just have to keep thinking of my baby and how I don't want diabetes later on in my life. I'm not too worried because most of my blood sugars have been pretty low with a couple of sporadic high ones. I'm just hoping it will get easier and I have to think less about everything I eat. It could be worse.
     That's kind of our life for the moment. Nick's busy working hard to get ahead in his classes because this weekend we'll be heading up to Preston, ID because his brother gets home from his mission! He's really excited about it and so am I. It's hard to believe it's been two years but at the same time it feels like he has been gone for a really long time. He gets into Salt Lake Friday evening and then we'll head up to Preston from there and so Nick's getting ahead in his schoolwork because this weekend is going to be one big playfest!
     Sorry no picture this week (I'm now 26 weeks along) but I haven't changed much that I have noticed but I'll get another one up soon. Have a great Fourth of July!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The First of (Hopefully) Many

     Welp, I finally caved in and am starting a blog. I resisted for a long time because as much as I love reading other's blogs, I don't really feel like I have a lot to share or offer about my life. Also, I am horrible at writing in my journal so I kinda equate that to I will probably be horrible at updating this thing. But, as I am starting a new phase in my life and parents/grandparents/friends will probably want to know what is going on in my life, I felt like I should start one. Also, I have a couple of sister-in-laws who were really hinting that I should start one. So here I am.
     Nick and I are doing great this summer. I'm off at school and thoroughly enjoying my time off relaxing and reading as I prepare for this new baby. Nick is busy with his O-Chem classes but is really looking forward to the day they are over and he is done with his degree! He will finish in August, just in time for our little one to come in September. Or October. At our last two ultrasounds our little one is measuring two weeks behind what she should be at so our due date might be pushed back. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday to figure things out. Also, last week I went in for my glucose test and found out that I have gestational diabetes. I guess that's what you get when diabetes is so prevalent in your family. I was pretty beat up about it when I found out but after some research and perspective, I'm feeling better about it. I just have to be more careful about what I put into my body and get more exercise. Not horrible habits to get into, right?
     So that's our life in a nutshell at the moment. We're not too exciting of people but that's our life. Hopefully I will be better at updating this than writing in my journal. Oh and since I promised some people here is a picture of me at 27/25 weeks (depending on what my due date turns out to be). Enjoy!