Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Spring Break and April

So I have a feeling that this blog thing is going to turn out a lot like my journal... always starting with so it's been a while...

Anyway, it is now nearing the end of April and I am woefully behind on the happenings. The end of March/beginning of April was amazing! We (my sisters Karen and Catherine, and Eliza) went on a road trip! We drove all the way to Eugene, OR to see my grandparents and for Eliza to meet her great-grandparents for the first time. I was a little apprehensive about the 14 hour car trip with a six month old but Eliza handled it like a champ! She was either sleeping, or playing the majority of the trip. Part of the reason was we left at 4 in the morning but still 14 hour car trip! The only times she got really fussy was when she was hungry or sleepy which we fixed with either a bottle, stopping for a little bit, or putting the cover down and she would go to sleep. I think we were more sick of the car than she was by the end.

It was so great to see my grandparents again and they loved Eliza. I loved seeing them fawn over her-especially my cowboy grandpa-too cute! As an added bonus my mom and my brother Tim came down from Idaho as well. Unfortunately for Tim, he was sick the whole time so he didn't get to play with Eliza, but it was still good to see him. We had a great Easter with them and with my aunt and uncle who live just 10 minutes away.

We also went to the coast which Eliza loved. She loved watching the ocean. I think mostly because that's the sound we put her noisemaker on when we put her to bed so she was weird-ed out that the waves were making the same sound. The highlight of the trip however was we saw whales! Well we saw whales spouting but it was still pretty cool! That was the first time I've ever seen a whale outside of the aquarium.

On Wednesday Tim and Catherine flew back to their respective homes (Catherine to get back to work and Tim to take his national Aca-deca test) and I got to see my friend Tracy! It had been years since I had seen her and it was fabulous to catch up again.

We left on Thursday. This time with my mom replacing Catherine in the car. Again, Eliza was a champ! She was a little more fussy this time but all in all I couldn't have asked for better. My mom came back with us because my dad was coming down to Provo with his Priests (16-18 year old young men in our church) to go to the priesthood session of General Conference. This was she got to spend more time with us and just went back with my dad when they went home that next Monday. Eliza loved all the company and loved being the center of attention. Also, this time when Tim saw her he was healthy and got to hold and play with her. My cousins also came all the way from Texas for conference and it was great to see them again.

So thus ended our fantastic Spring Break. Also, Eliza turned 6 months. At her check-up she was 15lbs 7oz and 24" long. She is rolling all over the place and just barely starting to pull herself forward. She still can't get very far forward or backward but her side to side rolling makes her quite mobile. She loves solid foods (except for peas so far) and is just so inquisitive about everything. She also loves to be in the limelight and can't stand it if people aren't paying attention to her. When she feels like she isn't getting enough attention she will squeal or start to fuss until someone comes and plays with her. She has also learned how to shriek while playing which is a lot of fun during church when everyone else is so quiet. Well that's everything for now and on to some pictures. Sorry I'm not so good at intermixing them with the writing but hey that's how I roll... or I'm just too lazy to figure out how to format it the way I like... you decide.
Eliza loves cups and will grab them whenever they are close.

Four generations!

This picture is about the usual... Grandma smiling nice, Grandpa making as goofy as a face as he can, and Eliza just sitting there but never quite looking the way you want her to.

Oregon Coast!

Eliza loves bath time and playing in the water. I can't wait to take her swimming this summer.

Sometimes she just looks like a model.

Our cute little family!

Eliza with her Grandpa Redford

Eliza and Grandma Redford just hanging out